
How to send sales receipt in QuickBooks

What is sales receipt? I think this is on our guys will be back soon as you relearn how to create and send a sales receipt people are you, whether it is illegal or not you give a customer a receipt and really quick when you do not get receipts like you don't get one to buy a lotto ticket put a dollar in the vending machine you are knocking get a receipt you go to a farmers market and you may or may not get a receipt. Anyway, I think it's bad business not to give a customer a receipt. So let's learn how to give our customers receipt and QuickBooks online okay so from the top. How to send the sales receipt: Steps ●        I'm in dashboard right now I'm in a click on this + right there in the top right going. ●        Click on that customer's invoice received payment. ●        We learned how to do all of these things except a refund when I can focus on delayed credit or charge, but w...